Symphony of Silver Years
morning my back groans, my knees moan
as I gather the pieces of my body, now worn
and drag it
out of bed.
The world
around is up and about
and where I am,
others may forget.
Although I
fumble, at times even stumble
I teach myself
to harness what I have
in rewarding
ways, on difficult days
carving paths
to those
around me, into their hearts.
morning I welcome a rebirth,
a new
paradigm of unbridled joy and mirth
behind a breathtaking view of the past,
the good the
bad, the happy the sad
winging to
new heights of being, knowing, still soaring.
old beliefs, stories, secrets and tears
priceless moments of loving,
celebrating ,
caring and sharing
the unique
music of the symphony of silver years.