Sunday, 21 December 2014

Can we only mourn?

                           Can we only mourn?

Since that fateful day  when  extremists massacred innocent children at Peshawar, I have wanted to write and express my heartfelt grief but felt too numb and yet overwhelmingly emotional, to write. By professional training , we doctors can only think of saving life and I for one fail to understand the reasons and ways out of this horrendous mess we call 'OUR WORLD'. By choice I do not like to indulge in politics or religion in any way but there comes a time when one changes one's mind in the face of  grave threat to humanity. Both religion and politics have led to the mess the world is in today.
 Violence and animalism has always been a part of human nature. In the name of civilisation we have made so much progress as to reach other planets but with all the might of arms, technology and other milestones of progress, all we have achieved is a deterioration of human values and intolerance towards ' THE OTHER ONE.'  If we pause and consider for a moment who this 'OTHER ONE' is , it comes full circle back to ourselves. Till humanity reaches a level of consciousness where' EACH OTHER ONE' is only a part of 'MYSELF', we cannot hope to end wars. For, after a certain period of disgust and fatigue that can silence the madness that causes wars and killings temporarily, the suppressed angers will again erupt with worse ferociousness. Should we then only wait till that day and can we only mourn ?
 Since governments are here to stay and the lives of all of us dangle by a thread  which they, the politicians, twirl or twist as pleases them, we are largely at their mercy . But are these same governments not dependent on the common man also, for electing them. Is it not time that we stop being puppets in the hands of corrupt power wielders ?  If we choose to be silent out of fear, vindictiveness, complacency or sheer disinterestedness at this juncture, when everyday we are becoming more and more paranoid about our safety , soon we will stop functioning as humans and become toys in the hands of these dark forces . If perpetrating injustice is a crime, so is tolerating it.
I don't know much about religions but when Kansa was killing new born infants all over his kingdom, Govinda came to save mankind. When the Mughals let out a reign of terror a little more than five hundred years ago, Guru Gobind Singh ji stood up to protect us, sacrificing not only his father, but his four little sons as well . Did that sacrifice go in vain?, it opened the eyes of Indians against tyranny and gave rise to a stronger race which fought against injustice of every sort. Be it Govinda or Gobind , they came on earth to give us a direction to stand up against injustice and fight for the right reasons with truth as the weapon.
We, the common people must put across through whatever means, to the powers that be, that the countries responsible for encouraging terrorism be held responsible for eliminating it too. Can the rest of the countries ,which have all suffered through these tragic times, not get united even now, to pressurise that one  country, which has itself suffered, but continues to promote terrorism . Are there possibly 'SOME OTHER POWERS' stronger than these super-powers of governments that are staging all this destruction and bloodshed ? Killing innocent children, kidnapping or raping helpless women or butchering anybody for that matter ---what maniacal pleasures are these ? There seem to be some sinister, dark forces  at play and the very sanity and existence of the human race is at stake. Maybe, these children took birth to make this supreme sacrifice so that humanity wakes up to fighting these evil forces . The only homage we can pay to these innocents is to not let their sacrifices be recorded as just another historical fact only, with no lessons learnt. Just as we would not tolerate injustice in our lives as individuals, let us stop taking this as another tragic episode in a chain of so many others. High time, each country realised that the fire I started in my neighbours yard was sure to spread to mine too very soon.